Fine Motor Occupational Therapy
Many children struggle with developing age-appropriate pen and paper skills needed in the classroom. As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I have years of experience working with children to improve their written output skills in terms of letter formation (printing or cursive), printing organization (spacing, line placement) and written productivity (ability to communicate thoughts and ideas through printing).
Handwriting a complex process, which is why at Bumblebee OT, your Occupational Therapist use a comprehensive approach to improve children’s fine motor development, which includes:
- Postural stability and core control.
- Pencil grasp efficiency.
- Visual-perceptual and visual motor-integration skills.
Gross Motor Occupational Therapy
If your child is struggling with his/her motor skills or has a diagnosed developmental delay, Paediatric Occupational Therapy can help your child reach their developmental milestones. Some of the most common issues paediatric Occupational Therapists assist with:
- Torticollis or asymmetrical neck.
- Low or high tone.
- Delayed rolling, crawling, walking etc…
Occupational Therapy for Feeding Issues & Picky Eaters
Our paediatric Occupational Therapists have years of experience working with children who struggle with feeding skills due to various issues such as:
- Very limited diet or “picky eaters”.
- Children with severe food allergies such as FPIES.
- Severe oral sensitivities or textural aversions.
- Failture to Thrive.
- Weaning off of feeding tubes.