Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I am based out of Mississauga, and have two clinic locations in Mississauga. I also  travel to my clients’ location. I can offer my services in homes, schools or daycares.

Are you a licensed OT?

Yes! I am registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario.

What areas do you cover?

In home services are available in Mississauga and Oakville only.

Can I bill this through my insurance?

I do not do direct billing with insurance companies. However, if  your insurance plan includes coverage for Occupational Therapy I can provide an invoice which you can use to bill your insurance company.

What happens at the first visit?

The first visit is the assessment visit. This is where I assess all of the areas of functioning you are concerned about. I bring all the supplies and equipment I need with me. Part of my assessment will be working one on one with your child, and part of it will be gathering history and more information from you.

I do not provide any therapy during the initial visit. However, I may leave you with some strategies and activities you can get started on to help your child.

What happens at follow-up visits?

Follow-up visits are where I implement the plan and goals we set out for your child at the initial assessment visit. I come prepared with activities for us complete together or strategies to implement. I work with your child for approximately 45 minutes. In the last 15 minutes, I write my summary note for you to keep track of your child’s progress. I may also include activities or strategies you can complete with your child at home if you would like to.